2023 Goals for Dogs and Humans to Accomplish Together
The new year is upon us, and as such, all of our resolutions are fresh and new. Everybody knows that most people generally lose steam within the first few weeks of the year. Let alone if they ever start on their resolutions at all! Instead of making over-the-top promises, try making small promises with your dog that you can stick to all year long. Of course, everything is a little more fun with our four-legged friends by our sides. Here are a few recommendations for dogs and their owners to help you get started.
2023 Goals for Dogs in Self-Care
Life gets busy and sometimes it never seems to slow down. But remember, taking time to care for yourself and your furry friend is essential for both your physical and mental health. So here are a few new year goals to help you take better care of yourself this coming year.
Tooth Care
Did you know that dogs need good tooth care routines as well? This year as you resolve to get better at flossing every day, take some time to learn about caring for your dog’s teeth as well.
Spending More Time Together
Maybe you and your dog need more quality time together, or you need more quality time with the people around you. Dogs are a great source of stress relief and meaningful relationships are essential to your mental well-being. Don’t forget to let your pup socialize with other dogs as well! They need it for their mental well-being, too.
Making New Friends Together
Dogs are incredibly social creatures, which encourages us to be more social as well. With a dog at your side, there’s no need to cast about for an awkward conversation starter with a stranger. Your dog is a fantastic first topic to broach with anyone. Dog parks are a great place for both dogs and humans to get out, have fun, and make new friends.
2023 Goals for Those Who Want to Get Active
Having your dog with you can make exercising feel less tedious. Here are some ways to get active with your pooch instead of alone.
Take Longer Walks
Walking has a whole host of benefits. Some of these include strengthening your heart, lowering blood sugar, boosting your immunity, and more. It benefits not just you, but your dog as well. A walk every day will help them be happier and healthier.
Run a Race Together
Training to compete in a race gives you a more concrete goal to strive towards. Many cities host dog-friendly 5Ks and other races that you and your pup can train for together.
Make Feeding Your Dog Get Joy One of Their New Year Goals
Eating healthy is a coming goal for the new year. Why not help your pup eat healthier this year as well? Get Joy’s food is healthy, natural, and nutrition-packed. You can choose between a fresh meal plan or fresh-freeze dried for a longer shelf life.