6 Signs of Dog Anxiety + How to Lessen It

6 Signs of Dog Anxiety + How to Lessen It

Typically, dogs are our fun-loving, extraordinary, loyal companions. However, just like humans, dogs can also experience anxiety. For dog owners, it’s essential to understand the signs of dog anxiety so you can help your furry friend feel comfortable, safe, and secure. If you suspect your dog is experiencing this, we’ve got you covered. Here’s what you need to know!

Breaking Down Separation Anxiety in Dogs and More

Firstly, separation anxiety in dogs is a common occurrence that deserves attention. This condition arises when dogs are separated from their owner or people they’re attached to. It’s particularly common among dogs who are used to always being around their owners. 

Similarly, puppies and rescue dogs tend to struggle with separation anxiety more often. Understanding and addressing this kind of anxiety is crucial for any dog owner.

What is Dog Anxiety?

If you’re wondering what dog anxiety is, you’re not alone. This condition affects dogs of all breeds and ages. It’s a psychological state that occurs when your furry friend feels fear or worry. Typically, this can be triggered by various factors like loud noises, changes in routine, or separation. 

Ultimately, there are three types of dog anxiety to be aware of:

  • Separation anxiety
  • Fear-related anxiety
  • Age-related anxiety

Signs and Symptoms of Dog Anxiety

Unfortunately for dog owners, dogs can’t tell us how they’re feeling. However, their behavior gives us enormous insight into their emotional state. In fact, reading and understanding your pup’s behavior is vital to creating a healthy environment. 

With that in mind, here are six signs that your dog may be experiencing anxiety.

1. Excessive Barking

Dogs may bark excessively when they are anxious, stressed, and cannot self-soothe. 

2. Aggression

If your furry friend feels anxious, they may display aggressive behavior such as growling or biting. This behavior can be dangerous, primarily if it’s directed toward other animals or people.

3. Destructive Behavior

Dogs may start destroying things such as furniture or shoes when anxious. This can signify that they have pent-up energy and frustration that they are unable to release healthily. 

4. Urinating or Defecating Indoors

If a dog is feeling anxious, they usually get themselves into a panic. This leads to urinating or defecating inside the house. This is especially common in dogs with separation anxiety.

5. Pacing or Restlessness

When dogs have worked themselves up, they may seek ways to release their tension. Restlessness, which could look like pacing back and forth, is how dogs attempt to relieve their anxiety.

6. Loss of Appetite

If your dog has stopped eating or seems to have lost their appetite, it could be a sign that their anxiety is turning into depression. 

How to Reduce and Lessen Dogs Separation Anxiety 

It can be upsetting to discover that your pup may be feeling anxious. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to help reduce and lessen dogs’ separation anxiety and more. Here are some things you can do with your loyal companion to help them feel more confident and secure.

Exercise and Nutrition 

Regular exercise can help reduce your furry friend’s anxiety levels. Take your dog for a walk or a run to burn off some energy and reduce their stress levels. This will help them get much-needed mental and physical stimulation.

Moreover, nutrition plays a significant role in overall health and well-being. Consider switching your pup to a fresh diet that boosts their nutrition and energy levels.


When it comes to mitigating dog anxiety, training is everything. Training your pup improves their confidence and reduces their stress. Obedience training is the basis for a healthy, trusting relationship between dogs and their owners. Also, a well-trained dog is more likely to respond well to reducing anxiety.

Additionally, you can try crate training to reduce separation anxiety in dogs. Make sure the crate is comfortable and spacious. This way, you can ensure it’s a safe and secure space.

Puzzle Toys

Puzzle toys are a fantastic resource for dogs. They can help keep them occupied, stimulated, and free of boredom while developing their cognitive abilities.

Calming Supplements 

Lastly, many calming supplements or medications are available to you, should your pup need them. Some dog owners even try using CBD oil to calm their dogs effectively.

Be sure to consult with a veterinarian before giving your dog any supplements.

Ready to Boost Your Pup’s Well-Being?

At Get Joy, we’re passionate about dog health and wellness. From treats and chews to on-demand vet health services, we’re committed to providing dog owners with everything they need to thrive. Get started today!

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