A Guide to Creating a Spooky Halloween for You and Your Pooch

A Guide to Creating a Spooky Halloween for You and Your Pooch

Fall is here, which means spooky season festivities begin. This Halloween, plan dog-friendly activities with your furry friend for a memorable holiday. Here are some ideas to keep you inspired. 

Dog-Friendly Halloween Activities

Whether you and your furry friend are looking to match costumes, or you’re just looking to enjoy a dog-themed event, this list is for you. This year, you can try these five Halloween activities to include your furry best friend in the holiday fun!

Dog-Themed Halloween Costume Contest

Goblins and ghoulies, superheroes and supervillains, doggie costume contests and parades. Halloween is the time to showcase your doggie’s persona! 

Dress your dog in safe Halloween garb and find your local dog costume contest for an afternoon of spooky fun.

Celebrate Oktoberfest

Find fun canine activities at Oktoberfest this year. This quintessential German celebration is observed throughout the month of October. Check your local festival’s pet policies to ensure that your beloved companion is welcome. 

Dog-friendly Oktoberfests are the perfect opportunity to enjoy a brew, all while being in the company of your fur darling. 

Throw a Howl-o-ween Pawty

Nothing screams Halloween more than throwing your very own dog-themed party. Get your spooky groove on by creating pup-parent duo costumes! Get your canine and human guests in the holiday spirit by throwing a costume contest. 

Tricks and Treats

Spend quality time with your dog by engaging him with brain games. Reward his good behavior with feel-good treats. Here are some of our favorite treats

Pumpkin Patch

Pick the perfect pumpkin with your perfect pooch and create a spooky jack-o-lantern. There are various dog-friendly pumpkin patches to explore. Simply review their pet policies, grab your dog, and pick!

Finding Fun Halloween Activities 

Often, various Halloween-themed activities are catered to dogs. You can find these events by conducting an online search, like “Halloween activities for dogs.” Another possibility is asking your local pet store for any upcoming events in your neighborhood. 

If you cannot find any dog-themed Halloween events, you can simply create your own!

Tips for Safe Halloween Activity 

Halloween can be a frightening time for dogs. The constant doorbell during trick-or-treat visiting hours, strange faces, and activity in the neighborhood can all be triggers for your dog. 

Above all, plan for a safe holiday. You can ensure safety for you and your family through these tips on Fright Night. 

  • Ensure your dog has proper identification, such as a collar, microchip, or tags.
  • Ensure that your dog’s costume is nonrestrictive. Look for breathable and nontoxic materials in costumes. 
  • Your best bet is to keep your dog or pets in a calm, safe zone where they can stay for the evening. 
  • Avoid feeding your dog any Halloween treats which may be toxic to them. Instead, opt for their own treats.
  • Avoid using real candles in the home. Not only is this a fire hazard in the home, but also a safety concern for your pooch. 
  • Always supervise your dog, despite the business of the holiday. 

While this list is not all-inclusive, there are various safety measures that you can take to have a safe and fun Halloween. 

Treats, No Tricks from Get Joy 

At Get Joy, our mission is to promote pet wellness. We believe that nutrition is one of the pillars of wellness. That’s why we have partnered with veterinary experts to create a fresh meal program. You ought to feel just as good about the food that you purchase for your furry friend. Don’t forget to check out our treats and chews, too! 

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