Why Do Dogs Eat Poop and How Do I Get Them to Stop?

Why Do Dogs Eat Poop and How Do I Get Them to Stop?

Dogs are amazingly loyal friends that bring delight into our daily lives. However, they occasionally engage in strange behaviors. Let’s be honest – we’ve all seen our furry friends eat poop. Though perplexing (and at times gross), it’s pretty common for dogs and puppies to engage in this behavior. So, why do dogs eat poop? 

We’ve broken down the top reasons why your dog may be doing this. Read on for all the details!

Why Does My Dog Eat Poop? The Basics

There’s actually a name for dogs eating poop – it’s called “coprophagia” – and it’s a very common occurrence. If you are thinking, “why does my dog eat poop,” we’ve got you covered.

Firstly, dogs are natural scavengers. They would eat whatever they could find to survive in the wild, including feces. Though dogs are domesticated and well-fed, they still have this instinct in their genetics to scavenge. 

Perhaps most importantly, dogs eating poop is almost always a behavioral issue. If your furry friend is still a puppy, they may not be trained enough to know otherwise. In some rare cases, it may mean they are experiencing a nutrient deficiency or cannot properly digest their food. Meaning they are either experiencing a medical condition or seeking out additional sources of nutrition.

Lastly, your dog might be eating their poop simply out of boredom or anxiety. When pups are left alone for long periods without enough mental stimulation, they can become restless. Eating poop may be a way for them to release their pent-up energy or anxiety.

Tips to Stop Your Dog Eating Poop

If you want to stop your dog eating poop, remember that it may take time and patience. Consistency is vital; keep a watchful eye on your dog whenever you take them outside or on a walk. This is crucial, especially because it can be a health risk for your pup. Dogs eating their own or other dogs’ poop can lead to: 

  • Parasites
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Lethargy  

With some perseverance and action steps, you’ll be able to assist your dog in breaking this habit and enjoying a healthier life. So, what steps can you take to stop this behavior? Consider these tips before taking your pooch on their next walk!

Schedule a Vet Visit

First and foremost, a visit to the veterinarian is key. They’ll help you address health concerns, nutrient deficiencies, or digestive blockages. Moreover, a vet will identify whether or not your furry friend will benefit from a diet change or added supplements. They can check their stool and see if any health concerns are present. 

Lastly, they may be able to recommend a product that deters your dog from eating poop. You can add this product to their food or stool, giving the poop a bitter, unpleasant taste.

Keep a Clean Space

Be sure to pick up after your dog, keeping the yard and any spaces they frequent clean. Do your due diligence in preventing them from eating poop, and always supervise them.

Daily Activity and Training

Mental stimulation, routine, and exercise are crucial to a dog’s health and well-being. Keep your paw-tner active on a daily basis! This alleviates boredom and anxiety and could mitigate poop-eating behavior. 

Incorporate training into your dog’s daily routine. Training is a practical way to stop this behavior. Put attention on potty training, keeping them on a leash, and more. Always use positive reinforcement training to reward your dog. Pro tip: redirect their attention to more entertaining activities, such as toys or a walk.

Help Your Pup Today!

Assisting your dog with not eating poop may take time and patience. Be consistent, and before typing “dog eats poop” into your search bar, remember that it’s a common and natural occurrence. 

Here at Get Joy, we’re ready to help you give your pooch the best life possible. We offer a variety of highly nutritious treats, meals, and free TeleVet services. Get started today!