Dog Proof Your Holiday Decor
The holiday season is finally here with all its tinsel, trees, garland, and stunning poinsettias. This is a great time of year to break out your inner interior decorator and go to town. For those who are decorating with pets in the house, it is very important to remember to take precautions. There are things your pet shouldn’t eat, and favorite ornaments you want to keep in one piece. Here are a few tips on decking the halls with dogs in the house.
Pet Safe Decorating
As you decorate your tree and hang your wreaths this year, there are a few things you should keep in mind. Your pets are curious and excited about all the new smells and sights. They are most likely not going to hold back from smelling and exploring. Here are a few things to do to make your decorations as pet safe as possible.
Secure the Tree
While the tree may be the centerpiece of your living room’s decor, your pet sees it as a fantastic new climbing post. Even bigger dogs like to get up close and explore the Christmas tree. It might get chewed on and knocked over if you aren’t careful. Make sure the tree is in a sturdy stand-base to give it a good foundation. Use a fishing line to secure your tree to a wall or to an eyehook in the ceiling. Try leaving the tree undecorated for a day or two to let the pets get used to its presence.
Avoid the Tinsel
Yes, tinsel is shiny and pretty. It is also easily stolen by mischievous pups. Shiny things are an extreme temptation for animals, and if you can’t secure them, they might eat them, instead. In fact, this can cause a blockage in your pet’s digestive system. Try using ribbon instead when decorating with pets. They look classy and are much less likely to harm your pets.
Light Candles with Care
Don’t leave candles burning unsupervised and keep them out of reach. If you want to have a menorah or advent wreath burning, maybe try battery-powered candles instead. Then, if they are knocked over by nosy pets, no one gets hurt and there isn’t property damage.
Even when not lit, candles can be dangerous for your dogs. After all, there are several poisonous and harmful ingredients in most mass-produced candles that can make your holiday go from happy to horror very quickly if your pup consumes them. paraffin wax, essential oils, and even the wick are all problematic ingredients. Candles with soy, coconut, or bee’s wax, and natural or no scents are the safest for burning in a pet friendly home.
Pet Safe Plants
It’s always a temptation to decorate your home with festive live Christmas plants. Please remember that some can be very toxic for your animal friends.
Say No to Poinsettia and Mistletoe
Yes, these are traditional plants for the season. Unfortunately, they are extremely dangerous to your pets. Poinsettia flowers cause nausea and vomiting and mistletoe can cause lower blood pressure, breathing problems, and hallucinations. If you can’t keep them out of your pet’s reach, try fake plants. They look just as nice without the dangerous side effects and you can use them again next year. Pet safe plants are vital to your pet’s health and well-being.
If your pet does ingest one of these plants, call the animal poison control center right away.
Stuff Your Dog’s Christmas Stocking with Joy
Fill your furry friend’s stocking with treats just for them from Get Joy. Bully sticks and freeze-dried treats make great healthy gifts to show your love for your dog. Check out our array of treats and chews for this holiday season.