Housebreaking a Puppy: Step-by-Step Tips for Success
Adding a new puppy to your family is a fun and exciting time. As you and your new pup get to know each other, it’s vital to also train them thoroughly. In fact, housebreaking a puppy in your first few weeks together sets the foundation for a long and happy time together. Here are some important tips on how to housebreak a puppy!
How to Housebreak a Puppy
Stick to a Schedule
Puppies rely on daily routines to learn the rules of basic activities like play time, meals, and going to the bathroom. When housebreaking a puppy, set up a schedule before the puppy actually joins your household. Then, start following that schedule right away on their first day in their new home.
Set a Designated Bathroom Spot
A consistent schedule for bathroom time is one essential step to potty training your puppy. But so too is having a designated bathroom spot. Pick a spot, preferably somewhere in the corner of your property outside, for your dog to go to the bathroom. After a while, the bathroom spot will become reinforced in their mind and they’ll go there automatically whenever needed.
Work on Social Time and Alone Time
Both socialization and alone time are very important when housebreaking a puppy. Socialization teaches them how to interact with other people and dogs, as well as other pets like cats. However, you need to be careful when you first start socializing your puppy.
Too much socialization too quickly can be overstimulating. But once your puppy is comfortable at home, you can invite over a friend or another dog for your puppy to interact with.
At the same time, gradually build up alone time for your puppy, too. Though puppies should not be left alone at home within the first few days or weeks, once your puppy becomes more comfortable, you can start planning brief departures. These should be no longer than a couple of hours at first, gradually getting longer over time. Eventually, this will teach your puppy to be comfortable with the idea of being alone in their new home. Crate training can also massively help with this!
Simple Obedience Commands
Within the first few weeks of housebreaking a puppy, they should learn simple obedience commands. Commands like sit, stay and come are basic commands that every dog should learn within their first few months at home. As always, Treats and positive reinforcement will be your best friend when teaching your puppy these commands.
How Long Does it Take to Housebreak a Puppy?
Housebreaking a puppy is a gradual process. You should take things slowly but also follow a tight and consistent schedule. Generally, a well-trained pup will be fully housebroken within 4 to 6 months.
Get Joy Can Help.
The keys to raising a happy puppy are effective training, love, and a healthy diet. Get Joy provides Fresh Meal Plans for dogs, made with healthy, natural ingredients. Not to mention, we offer fantastic Supplements, Chews, and Treats to help your dog thrive. Read our reviews to decide if Get Joy will be right for your new puppy.