How to Celebrate Hanukkah with Your Dogs!
Enjoy the season with your little happy Hanukkah dogs! There are some dos and don’ts when it comes to celebrating with pets. Firstly, avoid sharing these foods to support your pet’s health and well-being. Let’s take a look at what to feed them instead, and a few fun Hanukkah gifts to splurge on this year.
The Dos and Dont's of Hanukkah Cuisine
Of course, every holiday season comes with tasty special foods that we look forward to all year long. Unfortunately, your pups generally can’t partake in your favorite Hanukkah food traditions.
Don’t: Latkes
These lovely holiday treats are traditionally made with onions, which are a big “don’t” for your dog. It can give them Heinz body anemia, which lowers their red blood cell count. Keep latkes out of reach of your four-legged friends.
Don’t: Sufganiyot
These delicious jelly-filled doughnuts are the perfect sweet treat for people. For pets, they are the perfect recipe for a belly ache. Keep out of reach of curious pups.
Don’t: Hanukkah Gelt
Keep these traditional treats well out of reach of dogs. These coins are usually made with chocolate, which is toxic for your pets. The foil they come in isn’t great for their tummies, either. Be sure these don’t end up on the floor where your furry friends can eat them up.
Do: Kong
To keep your pup busy with pet-safe tasty treats, fill a Kong during meal times. These interactive toys are a great way to keep them occupied, promote independence, and also tantalize their taste buds. Fill them with peanut butter or freeze them full of yogurt to make the treat last longer.
Do: Holiday Feast
If you want your dog to have its very own feast for the holiday, try a fresh meal from Get Joy. These meals are made with whole, all-natural ingredients, and no added preservatives. It’s a great, tasty way to treat your dog without any added junk.
Hanukkah Dog Toys
Get your pup a host of themed toys this Hanukkah season. Whether it’s a toy for each night, or just one holiday toy, there are plenty of adorable toys available.
Interactive Hanukkah Squeaky Set
A pack of four toys including a dreidel, Sufganiyot, Star of David, and a Menorah.
Rite Lite Hanukkah Tennis Balls
This is a set of three tennis balls with fun sayings for the season.
Hanukkah Dog Sweater
Bring a smile to your guest’s faces and some warmth to your dog with a sweet little sweater.
Nothing like a little bit of fun wordplay to bring people joy.
Hanukkah Hoodie
Brighten spirits with this cozy hoodie for your Pup.
Celebrate the Holiday with Joy
Treat your pup to quality food this season with Get Joy. Gift them all-natural, fresh food and treats specifically designed for their gut health. Dog adored and Vet approved! Explore our Treat and Chew options for your dog’s stocking this year.