Image shows a family in winter gear hugging their dog in the middle. Image demonstrates the time of year antifreeze poisoning in dogs is prevalent.

How to Protect Your Dogs from Antifreeze

There are tools and chemicals we use every day during the winter season. Although they can be useful, they are extremely harmful to our pets. One of these tools is generally antifreeze. Antifreeze is basically used to regulate extreme temperatures in car engines. Unfortunately, dogs may find it interesting when sniffing on walks. Cars that leak or have engine problems will usually leave puddles out on the street. If antifreeze is ingested, it can kill an animal. Let’s take a closer look at the symptoms of antifreeze poisoning in dogs and how to prevent it. 

Symptoms of Antifreeze Poisoning

The symptoms your dog exhibits depend on how long ago the chemical was ingested. Symptoms of antifreeze poisoning 30 minutes after ingestion include:

Secondly twelve to twenty-four hours after consumption, the symptoms will shift. The symptoms after that include:

  • Elevated heart rate
  • Difficulty breathing 
  • Dehydration

Finally, three to six days after ingesting antifreeze your dog will have:

What to Do if You Believe Your Dog is Experiencing Poisoning by Antifreeze

Of course, contact a Get Joy Health or animal poison control immediately if you see your pet ingesting antifreeze. Dogs can get poisoning just walking through puddles and licking it off their paws. Please speak to a professional right away. Poisoning by antifreeze is a serious problem and requires immediate treatment.

How to Prevent Poisoning by Antifreeze

While you can’t always account for accidents, you can take measures and precautions to prevent antifreeze poisoning. The following are some actions you can take to protect your dog from antifreeze:

  • Keep antifreeze sealed in a leak-proof container
  • Take used antifreeze to a service station to be disposed of, never just pour it out
  • Check your driveways for puddles of antifreeze that may have leaked
  • Consider an alternative, less toxic antifreeze option
  • Don’t leave your pets outside unsupervised in areas heavily populated by vehicles

Take Care of Your Pup this Season with Get Joy

As the weather gets colder, it is obviously important to make sure your pup stays warm and healthy. With Get Joy, you can choose from tasty snacks, feed them especially well-balanced meals, and have on-demand access to pet telehealth. Contact us today to learn more. 

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