The world's healthiest, tastiest & easiest fresh dog food
Free shipping with orders $75+, free mystery gift with orders $100+, 2 free bags of treats with orders $125+
Use as a whole meal or topper
100% premium raw ingredients vs processed kibble
No prep, no mess, easy to store
Science-backed formulation combining the benefits of fresh, premium raw meats, superfoods, & grain with the ease of ready to serve. No prep or mess. Uniquely designed with prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics for exceptional immune and gut health for dogs. Designed for all lifestages - puppies, adult, and senior dogs.
The chart below can be used for general for feeding estimates. Take advantage of our Meal Plan Builder to get specific nutritional guidance for each of your dogs!
The chart below can be used for general for feeding estimates. Take advantage of our Meal Plan Builder to get specific nutritional guidance for each of your dogs!
Our FRESH FREEZE DRIED™ is made with real, whole ingredients, perfectly balanced for your dog's gut health.
Chicken is an excellent source of high-quality animal protein and is a rich source of essential nutrients like B vitamins and minerals
Salmon Oil
This oil is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties and are important for maintaining healthy skin, coat, and joints in dogs.
Flaxseed is a good source of fiber and lignans (plant compounds with antioxidant properties). It may help reduce inflammation, improve digestion, and support heart health.
Pre, Pro & Postbiotics
Our prebiotic, inulin, is a dietary fiber that is essential for proper gut health. We use 4 strains probiotics, and yeast culture is included as our postbiotic to regulate the immune system and reduce inflammation.
Organ Meat
Chicken Liver also provides high-quality protein, essential for maintaining strong muscles, bones, and other tissues in dogs.
Mixed Vitamins & Minerals
Because dogs are often eating the same type of meal, vitamins and minerals are essential to ensure balance and the enough nutrients in their diet.
85% lean USDA Sourced beef which is rich in high-quality protein and essential nutrients that support energy, muscle growth, and overall well-being.
Salmon Oil
This oil is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties and are important for maintaining healthy skin, coat, and joints in dogs.
Flaxseed is a good source of fiber and lignans (plant compounds with antioxidant properties). It may help reduce inflammation, improve digestion, and support heart health.
Pumpkin Powder
Pumpkin is beneficial for dogs, offering fiber for digestive health, low calories, and rich in nutrients like vitamin A, C, and potassium, enhancing overall health and immunity.
Pre, Pro & Postbiotics
Our prebiotic, inulin, is a dietary fiber that is essential for proper gut health. We use 4 strains probiotics, and yeast culture is included as our postbiotic to regulate the immune system and reduce inflammation.
Organ Meat
Beef Liver is rich in vitamin A for vision and skin health, iron for healthy blood cells, and B vitamins for energy metabolism. Beef kidney provides selenium, an antioxidant, and vitamin B12 for brain health. Both are high in protein, supporting muscle growth, and contain coenzyme Q10 for heart health.
Mixed Vitamins & Minerals
Because dogs are often eating the same type of meal, vitamins and minerals are essential to ensure balance and the enough nutrients in their diet.
We use raw ingredients and freeze dry them to protect against harmful bacteria
99% Nutrient Retention
Fresh ingredients are retained and packed into nutrient-dense food.
Convenient For Travel
No mess, no prep. Easy to bring with you and feed anywhere.
Shelf Stable for 2 years
Don't stress about food going bad - you can keep it stored away for up to 2 years.
Say Yes to Your Dog's Health
Craft the Perfect Nutrition Plan
We've consulted with an industry leading team of veterinarians and pet nutrition experts to empower you to build your dog the perfect nutrition plan based on their life stage and health goals.
See how our FRESH FREEZE DRIED RAW compares to other types of dog food
Air Dried
Fresh, Wholesome Ingredients
Real, USDA-sourced Protein
99% Nutrient Retention
Pre, Pro & Postbiotics for Gut Health
Perfect for Puppies
Freeze Dried Meals Are For All Ages
The ingredients in our freeze dried meals are formulated for all life stages of a dog, so you can rest assured that your puppy is getting the right nutrition at meal time too. Starting our loved ones with good nutrition at a young age helps ensure a longer, healthier life as they grow up.
Packed with Nutrients
What is Freeze-Dried? It sounds like it's from the future!
Most kibble is cooked at extremely high temperatures, which strips food of most of its nutritional value. Freeze drying locks in 97% of the nutritional value of raw, fresh food while removing water to preserve it, while our safety assurance steps ensure the elimination of bacteria. This combination allows for the scoopable, storable convenience of kibble with the health benefits of fresh food.
Crafted to Increase
Overall Gut Health
A fresh, balanced diet leads to a healthier gut. A healthier gut leads to increased longevity, better breath, and better quality of life.