Let’s Take a Look at Dog Park Etiquette
There’s nothing like taking your dogs out to meet their friends at your local dog park! Not only are dog parks excellent for your dog’s social skills, but they’re also a place to flex your dog park etiquette. Knowing how to prepare and train your pup for the park is a must. Whether you’re a new or seasoned pet owner, here’s what you should know about dog park etiquette.
Keep an Eye on Your Pooch
Many owners can get caught up in socializing with their fellow pet parents. Although it can be super exciting to chat with other dog lovers, don’t lose sight of your pup.Observe your dog’s body language, behavior, and mannerisms closely. This way, you can avoid any potential mishaps that may come with the territory. Make sure your dog is feeling safe, happy, and playful.
Bring Water
Don’t forget to keep your dog hydrated! Believe it or not, many dog owners forget to bring water. This also encourages your dog to slow down, check in with you, and take play breaks.
Pick Up After Your Dog: Basic Dog Park Etiquette
Dog parks are meant to be enjoyed by everyone and no one wants to step in dog poop or have their dog step in dog poop. Be mindful and clean up when your dog goes to the bathroom.
Don’t Overstay Your Welcome
Know when it’s time to say goodbye! The stimulation, excitement, and pack mentality that comes with the dog park are great in small doses.Your pup may get overstimulated, tired and hungry too.
Stay Updated on Immunizations
Many dog parks require your pup to be up-to-date on all of their required vaccinations. Visit your vet to make sure your dog has their shots. This way, they’ll be ready to play!
Enjoy Local Dog Parks With the Right Tools
Dog parks should be a perfect place for you and your dog to bond, unwind, and blow off steam. Make sure your pup has the right tools and training to enjoy the park to the fullest ability. Want to give your dog the life they deserve? Get Joy is here for you and your furry friend. We offer a range of health services, including behavioral training, so your dog can enjoy the dog park with ease. Reach out to learn more!