A person sits on a park bench and holds Get Joy's endurance dog treats above her tote bag, which has a dog displayed on it. Her dog patiently waits for the treats.

Pet First Aid Essentials to Always Have On Hand

As pet parents, we may sometimes encounter certain life-threatening situations with our dogs. That being said, knowing basic first-aid and having a pet first aid kit are essential for emergency preparedness. So, here are some first-aid care tips to consider – let’s dive in!

A Guide to Providing Pet First Aid

Knowing basic pet first aid is beneficial to you and your dog. Being equipped with important pet first-aid techniques will help you calmly respond in an emergency. Moreover, providing first-aid can potentially save your dog’s life until professional veterinary care becomes available. 

Responding to a Canine Medical Emergency 

First and foremost, if you encounter an emergency situation with your canine companion, stay calm and assess the situation. Remember to address any immediate dangers to your dog’s safety. 

Knowledge of basic pet first-aid and a well-equipped pet first-aid kit are essential tools to respond promptly to unexpected situations. Ultimately, these tools ensure quick and effective responses in an emergency, and therefore potentially saving your dog’s life. 

What to Carry in a Pet First-Aid Box

Since emergencies can happen at any time, make sure to keep a pet first-aid kit easily accessible. Having the necessary supplies allows you to provide immediate care to your dog for common injuries, accidents, or unexpected situations. 

So, here are essential items to have in your pet first-aid kit. 

  • Digital thermometer to take your dog’s temperature 
  • Adhesive tape to secure bandages or dressings in place without sticking to fur 
  • Gauze pads to clean wounds and create a protective barrier 
  • Tweezers to remove any splinters or ticks from your dog’s skin 
  • Scissors to cut gauze, dressings, or bandages. Scissors are also useful for trimming fur around wounds
  • Instant cold pack for bruises and reducing swelling 
  • Sterile saline solution to flush out wounds or debris from your dog’s eyes 

Other items to keep in your pet first aid kit include the following:

  • Your dog’s medical record
  • Any necessary medications
  • The phone number of your vet
  • Other important contact information (like poison control and animal control)
  • 3-5 days’ supply of dog food

Remember to personalize your kit depending on your dog’s health condition and needs. 

Keeping a Supply of Dog Food in Your Pet First-Aid Kit

Storing extra dog food in your pet’s first-aid kit can be beneficial for many reasons. In an emergency situation, having familiar dog food and treats can provide comfort to your dog and help maintain their routine. 

Luckily, you can provide high-quality, nutritious food to your companion even in a life-threatening situation. Get Joy has got you covered with stellar freeze-dried food to keep in your pet first-aid kit. 

Tips for Storing Pet First-Aid Kit for Dogs

Store your pet's first-aid kit in your household, car, and other accessible locations. Remember to ensure that it’s quickly accessible and that all family members know where it is located. Additionally, ensure that it is out of the reach of children.

Moreover, be sure to regularly check and update your kit as needed. That way, you can ensure that all supplies are not expired, replace any items used, and adjust any items based on the specific needs of your dog. 

Dog Safety, Health, and Wellness with Get Joy 

When it comes to your dog’s safety and overall well-being, Get Joy offers many resources to keep your dog as healthy and happy as possible. Whether you want to improve your dog’s nutrition with gut-friendly, fresh foods or get answers with on-demand virtual vet services, we’ve got you covered! 

Ready to get started? Treat your companion to meal samplers to see what gets their tail wagging!